Zde naleznete naší aktuální nabídku mláďat k prodeji. Všechna mláďata jsou rozkrmená a bezproblémově přijímají veškerou mraženou potravu (grundle, šproty, mušle, krevety atp..)

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Hier gibt´s unser aktuelles Angebot von Rochen – Pups. Alle fressen selbst und aktiv, gefrorene Stinte, Sprotten, Garnellen, Muscheln usw… Mehrere Infos bitte per e-mail oder Whatsapp.


Here you will find our current offer of pups for sale. All pups are fed and receive all frozen food without problems (silverside fish, sprats, mussels, shrimps, etc.)

For more information and photos contact us see: Contact


Leopoldi Black Diamond

Samec/male: Black Diamond

Velikost/size: 16 cm


*Coloration will deepen and spotting will be more developed as the fish ages.

Black Hybrids

Samec/male: Galaxy P14 Hybrid Stingray

Velikost/size: 14-16 cm

Narozen/born: 23. 8. 2020

700 € 350

*Coloration will deepen and spotting will be more developed as the fish ages.

Samec/male: Galaxy P14 Hybrid Stingray

Velikost/size: 14-16 cm

Narozen/born: 23. 8. 2020

650 € 350 €

*Coloration will deepen and spotting will be more developed as the fish ages.

Potamotrygon PEARL